Thinkers Book List:
Ancient History
The book list provided on this page corresponds with the content provided in your daily lesson plans. You are welcome to add or skip any of the books based on your preference and your students needs and interests. Depending on the time and financial resources that you have available, we have provided suggestions on how to find and purchase the reading materials that you will need for the 2024-25 school year. A book list complete with ISBN numbers and discount codes for publisher resources is available immediately upon your subscription to Portals Hub Support.
Cost of Reading Materials
Purchase New Print Materials
In order to save time, you can purchase the full set of reading materials for any level on the Portals book order page. Book orders are fulfilled and shipped to you within 7-10 business days. Each set of reading materials will cost approximately $650 for the 2024-25 school year.
Use Print and Digital Resources
Many books in the Portals curriculum can be found in digital libraries such as Kindle Unlimited, Audible, etc... If you already have a subscription to these resources, we recommend that you use them to reduce the cost of your materials. You can save up to $100 per year by using a combination of digital and print resources.
Buy Used
Many books can be purchased second hand either online or at thrift stores. Joining online homeschool groups can be another great way to find used curriculum resources such as Math and Science textbooks. Buying used books can save you around 50% of the cost of all your materials for each student. Click here to access the book list on Amazon.
Use Free Available Resources
Many books in the Portals curriculum are classics that can be found in your church or public library. There are a few open source texts that can be found for free on websites such as Project Gutenberg. These resources will significantly reduce the cost of materials needed to educate your children, but they will require more time and effort to find.
Time & Energy
Bible & Reference
The Bible
-Any version
Favorite Poems Old and New
The BBC Manual: Bedroom into Bible College
David and Goliath
Mission to Cathay
Story of the World: Ancient Times
Story of the World: The Middle Ages
The Art of War
The Trojan War
A Single Shard
A Wrinkle in Time
Adam of the Road
Arash the Archer
Black Horses for the King
Fellowship of the Ring
Flame Over Tara
God King
I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade
Island of the Blue Dolphin
Just So Stories
Kingdom's Dawn
Out of the Silent Planet
Pilgrim's Progress
Seven Daughters and Seven Sons
Shadow Spinner
Tales from Shakespeare
The Book of Three
The Eagle of the Ninth
The Ghost in the Tokaido Inn
The Golden Goblet
The Ides of April
The Outlaws of Sherwood
The Second Mrs. Gioconda
The Shakespeare Stealer
The Case for a Creator
Beyond the Desert Gate
-Universal Set of Materials (Includes Instruction Manual, Instruction DVD, Student Workbook, Integer Block Kit, Digital Pack, and Test Booklet)
-Math-U-See placement resources can help ensure students start at the level best suited for them.
Apologia: Health and Nutrition
-Textbook Only