Thinkers Book List:
American History
The list below is subject to change prior to the start of the school year, based on stock and ongoing development.
The books listed here correspond with the daily lesson plans, but if you want to swap one out or add another, go ahead. Portals allows you to do your own thing while staying on pace. Annual overview is provided upon purchase, lesson plans are delivered weekly.
We encourage shopping online for cheaper used books or working with your local library. If you prefer new books, you'll see an option for the full set on the registration page. We also save money by using digital documents when possible, you can print as you see fit, or work on screen, and not pay for shipping unnecessary paper.
Math and Language Arts are selected based on learning level of the student.
Bible and Reference
Archaeological Study Bible - Kaiser
Poems for Memorization (Rod and Staff)
The 2023 Old Farmer's Almanac
Read-Aloud Books
America the Beautiful Part 1 & 2 - Notgrass
Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Twain
A Long Way from Chicago - Peck
Bonanza Girl - Beatty
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch - Latham
Case for Christ for Kids - Strobel
Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemisom - Lenski
Johnny Tremain - Forbes
Moccasin Trail - McGraw
Naya Nuki: Soshoni Girl Who Ran - Thomasma
Out of the Dust - Hesse
Shh! We're Writing the Constitution - Fritz
The Slopes of War - Perez
Up From Slavery - Washington
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?- Maybury
Based on Level
Math U See Package (Instruction Manual, Instruction DVD, Student Workbook, Hands on Kit, Digital Pack Access, and Test Booklet)
Berean Builders: Earth Science
Big Red - Kjelgaard
By the Great Horn Spoon - Fleischman
Calico Bush - Field
Call of the Wild - London
Jericho's Journey - Wisler
Maniac Magee - Spinelli
Moonshiner's Son - Reeder
My Side of the Mountain (Series) - George
Nothing to Fear
Rascal - North
Streams to the River, River to the Sea - O'Dell
Swift Rivers - Meigs
The Arrow Over the Door - Bruchac
The Door Within (Series) - Batson
The Great Little Madison (Series) - Fritz
The Hobbit (Series: Lord of the Rings) - Tolkien
The Journeyman - Yates
The Landing of the Pilgrims - Daugherty
The Sherwood Ring - Pope
Traitor: The Case of Benedict Arnold - Fritz
Turn Homeward, Hannalee - Beatty