Welcome to Portals Projects! Each week we share projects that foster community building, creative thinking, problem-solving and character development. Invite your student(s) to pick a project that interests them to work on for a day or a week. Encourage them to share their plans, products or performances with the Portals community so we can all celebrate and grow together.
Week 16 - Justice
Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
Rules for Rule Breakers
What is a new rule that your community needs (family, friends, neighborhood, town)? Why should it be a rule? What should happen if people break the rule? Make a Public Service Announcement (PSA) poster or video to share your new rule.
What is a current rule that no one is following? Make a funny poster that draws fresh attention to the rule and the consequences for breaking the rule. Example Example Example
Explore Internet Safety (Founders and Growers)
A lot of injustices now start on the internet. What is the best way to teach internet safety to my younger siblings and friends? Play an internet safety game like Interland, Safe Online Surfing, Cyber-Five, or Band Runner
Investigate Injustice (Thinkers and Leaders)
Learn more about the ways injustice shows up in the world and how Christians are working against injustices around the world through this investigative project. Also, check out these meaningful social justice ministry ideas for teens.Â
Self Defense
Master as many of these self defense techniques as you can and discuss how you can stand up for others.Â
Giant Gavel
Challenge: Make the biggest gavel you can out of reused materials.
Just Consequences
Imagine you are an explorer and you have discovered a new land. You observe one of the natives breaking the law of the land and being punished. Make a warning poster to remind yourself and your fellow explorers not to break the law. It can be as realistic or fantastical as you want.
Submit your project
Email your pictures, videos, links to Portals Hub Support. Please call or email hub support if you need help submitting.