Welcome to Portals Projects! Each week we share projects that foster community building, creative thinking, problem-solving and character development. Invite your student(s) to pick a project that interests them to work on for a day or a week. Encourage them to share their plans, products or performances with the Portals community so we can all celebrate and grow together.

Week 18 - Sanctity
Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created him; male and female created them.
Pin for Life
Design a pin that reflects the sanctity of life.Â
March for Life
Participate in the March for Life or another Life sanctity event happening near you.
Save a Life
Perform a skit in which you / your group responds to a randomly assigned health situation.
End of Life
Imagine you are an explorer and you have discovered a new land. One of the natives dies and they hold a ceremony for him. Write an agenda that lists the events of the ceremony. It can be as realistic or fantastical as you want.
Submit your project
Email your pictures, videos, links to Portals Hub Support. Please call or email hub support if you need help submitting.